Design: Cristiano Urban
Living the present with old values – this is Farini’s motto – with natural ingredients and the tradition of Italian Bakery.
“Never like before, in this project curated by Grassi Pietre, I could express the connection between Bread & Stone, two elements so important and present in our lives.” – Arch. Urban.
The project is characterized by the strong bond between the Architect and Venice with the stone, a key element of the urban landscape of the famous city.
The main counter and its cladding give the distinctive aesthetic to the entire space aiming at re-creating the sensorial experience of the bakery. The vision of the bread, its perfume and the roughness and colour of its crust.
The stone selected is Trachyte Zovonite in the warm grey tone, already used in Venice in ancient times, and quarried in the nearby hills.
The vertical cladding of the counter was created by a single irregular slab, ” a spacco di cava”, with thicknesses varying from 3-8 cm, whilst the working area in a more uniform honed finish.
Floors (approx 100 m2, 30/40 cm tile format “free length” ) are in the same material, 2 cm thick, brushed finish. Wall claddings are installed in slats-shape tile to remind the light wood used on the boiserie and the tables.
The differences in tone and the continuous use of the stone connects the interior with the historic and cultural heritage of Venice
.The final result is elegant, contemporary and effective, which reminds the roughness of the bread crust and its sensorial experience.